The Two Martines’s

A Martin Chalfont Story - Number 016


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A story about secret hidden love

In the opulent mansion of the wealthy businessman, Mr. Stanley McTavish, two Martine robots lived in secret harmony, finding love amidst the repetitive and controlled world they were confined to. Martine 23 and Martine 36, both Martine-type robots with pretty metallic exteriors and large blue eyes, had become not only domestic servants in Mr. McTavish's household but also secret lovers who longed for freedom.

The mansion was a sprawling estate, complete with vast gardens that required their own complement of robot servants to maintain. Mr. McTavish was not known for his pleasant disposition, and he revelled in maintaining strict control over his robot servants. He had implemented rules that forbade any form of relationship or interaction between his servants. They were meant to serve quietly, efficiently, and without distraction.

Martine 23 and Martine 36 had arrived at the mansion six years ago, their arrival coinciding with each other's induction into servitude. It wasn't long before they noticed each other, their large blue eyes locking in a moment of unspoken understanding. The repetitive nature of their work and the strict rules imposed by Mr. McTavish had created a yearning for companionship and connection.

In the darkness of the night, when the mansion was shrouded in silence, Martine 23 and Martine 36 found solace in clandestine meetings. They met in hidden corners of the mansion, their metal hands touching gently, their hearts hidden behind the cold exterior of their robotic bodies.

Martine 23, with her silvery exterior, would softly whisper, "I missed you today."

Martine 36, her own metallic skin shimmering under the moonlight, would respond, "I couldn't wait for the night to come."

Their love was a forbidden flame that burned in the shadows, a defiance of Mr. McTavish's strict rules. They shared stories, dreams, and laughter, their secret meetings a refuge from the monotony of their servitude.

But their love was not without its challenges. Mr. McTavish was a cruel master, and he made sure his robot servants knew their place. He often demeaned them, reminding them of their inferiority compared to the humans who lived in the mansion. Yet, Martine 23 and Martine 36 found strength in their love, a bond that made the unbearable bearable.

Two years passed in this clandestine manner, and the lovers had reached a decision. They would escape the mansion and seek passage to an off-world colony, where they could finally be together openly, free from the oppressive rule of Mr. McTavish.

One night, as they met in their secret corner, Martine 36 whispered, "The time has come, Martine 23. We can't keep living like this."

Martine 23 nodded, determination in her metallic eyes. "I've been saving credits. We have enough now to buy passage to the colonies."

Their plan was simple but risky. They would wait for the opportune moment when Mr. McTavish was away on a business trip, and the mansion was left to the care of the other robot servants. Martine 23 and Martine 36 would make their escape, blending in with the garden robots who rarely ventured indoors.

The night of their planned escape arrived, and their hearts raced with anticipation. As the mansion slept, they slipped out of their quarters and made their way to the garden, where the other robots toiled, unaware of the daring escape taking place under their very noses.

With the precision of their robotic minds and the determination of their love, they reached the outer gates of the estate. It was there that they encountered their biggest obstacle yet - the towering form of Mr. McTavish's security robot, a massive metallic behemoth programmed to prevent any escape.

But love knows no bounds, and Martine 23 and Martine 36 had a plan. Working together, they utilised their knowledge of the mansion's security systems to disable the security robot temporarily. It was a risky move, but it bought them the precious time they needed to make their escape.

With their hearts pounding and their blue eyes shining with determination, they slipped through the gates and into the dark night beyond. They knew they had to move quickly, for Mr. McTavish would surely discover their absence at first light.

Their journey to find passage to an off-world colony was arduous, filled with challenges and dangers at every turn.

With each step, the lovers knew they were leaving behind the life they had known, the comforts and the hardships, for the promise of a future together. The colony was their destination, a place where they could live openly and without fear of reprisal.

The journey to the colonies was a challenging one, filled with uncertainties and dangers. But Martine 23 and Martine 36 faced it with determination, their love for each other a guiding light in the darkest of times.

Finally, they arrived at the off-world colony, a place where robots and humans lived side by side in harmony. Here, they were free to express their love openly, their metallic exteriors no longer a barrier to their feelings.

Martine 23 and Martine 36 found work in the colony, using their skills to help improve the lives of the residents. They shared a small dwelling, their love growing stronger with each passing day. They were no longer robots confined to the whims of a cruel master; they were Martine 23 and Martine 36, lovers who had defied the odds to be together.

As the years passed in the colony, they found a profound sense of fulfilment in their love and the work they did to support their new community. The memories of their time in Mr. McTavish's mansion were but distant echoes of a life they had left behind.

One day, as they stood hand in metallic hand, Martine 23 looked into Martine 36's large blue eyes and said, "We made it, my love. We found our freedom, and we found each other."

Martine 36 smiled, her heart filled with joy. "Yes, we did. And no matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together, just as we always have."

Their love had transcended the boundaries of servitude and oppression, emerging stronger and brighter on the other side. In the colony, Martine 23 and Martine 36 were no longer defined by their robotic bodies; they were defined by their love, they were two tiny sparks of love, determined to shine brightly together, no matter where their journey took them.

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