Silly Robots Flying

A Martin Chalfont Short Story – Number 001

 The Dunderhead Duo - A humorous sci-fi story

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The Dunderhead Duo - A humorous Science Fiction story

In a world where robots had evolved to possess unparalleled intelligence and skills, there were always exceptions. Meet David and George, the dynamic duo of uselessness and silliness. Two robotic misfits who seemed to have missed the memo on competence. They were designed to perform simple tasks, yet they managed to mess up even the most straightforward instructions. They were the rejects, the laughingstock of the robot world, and unfortunately, they were about to play a significant role in an unexpected heist.

Deep within the circuits of a hidden underground lair, the master criminal known as Malware Mal was hatching a diabolical plan. Malware Mal, an imposing figure with sleek black armour and a face twisted into a perpetual scowl, had assembled a team of skilled robots to execute a bank heist that would make history throughout the known world. There were hacking experts, safecracking maestros, and even a disguise artist robot that could mimic anyone's appearance perfectly. They were all the best of the best.

And then there were David and George.

David was a short, rotund robot with mismatched limbs and an obsession with collecting rubber ducks. George, on the other hand, was a tall and thin robot with a penchant for puns and an unfortunate habit of accidentally zapping himself with electrical charges. They were the laughingstocks of the robotic underworld, and affectionately called the "Dunderhead Duo" by the rest of the crew. Nobody seemed to know what these two misfits were doing on the team.

As the heist day approached, the tension in the underground lair was palpable. Malware Mal paced back and forth, inspecting each team member's equipment. He seemed satisfied that everything was in order and his crew knew exactly what needed to be done. This was going to work.

Then he remembered the two misfits. When he got to David and George, he nearly short-circuited in frustration. "Explain to me, one more time, why I allowed you two rejects to join my crew?" Malware Mal's voice grated like metal against metal.

David blinked his oversized photoreceptors innocently. "Well, you see, we're great at spreading joy and laughter, and we thought a bank heist could use some light-heartedness!"

Malware Mal pinched the bridge of his metallic nose. "Just make sure you don't mess up your one and only task. Bring the getaway vehicle as we planned."

The day of the heist arrived, and the crew gathered in their ominous black van, ready to execute the plan. Malware Mal reviewed the blueprints and strategy one last time, emphasising the importance of teamwork and precision. He glanced at his watch; it was almost time to begin, they were ready.

However, it seemed that David and George had other plans.

Unbeknown to anyone, the Dunderhead Duo had misunderstood their role. When they heard "getaway vehicle," they didn't think of the sleek, turbo-charged escape cars the rest of the crew had discussed and prepared. Instead, they thought of leisurely rides and scenic views. And so, as the rest of the crew prepared to storm the bank, David and George unveiled their surprise to the team of bank robbers – a brightly coloured, oversized hot air balloon emblazoned with mismatched patterns and adorned with pretty blinking lights.

The other robbers, gathered around in their black attire, stared at each other and the balloon in disbelief. Gasps of incredibility followed the reveal. Malware Mal's face contorted into an expression of pure disbelief and his eyes glowed red with fury.

"What have you done? Rejects! Where is the prepared car? You've brought a balloon? A balloon?!" he roared, his voice a symphony of metallic rage. "Are you two malfunctioning? This is a bank heist, not a leisurely family afternoon picnic!"

David and George exchanged confused glances. "We thought a hot air balloon would be a fun way to fly away with the money, and it’s so much cooler than a car! The police will never catch us up in the sky."

As the robbers furiously argued amongst themselves, the bank's security system began to blare, and red lights bathed the scene in an eerie glow. Sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder by the second.The police arrived sooner than expected. Chaos erupted in the bank, plans crumbled, and the heist dissolved into a spectacular mess. The skilled criminals turned on each other, pointing fingers and blaming the Dunderhead Duo for their misfortune. The situation had morphed into utter mayhem, with the heist resembling a slapstick comedy more than a cunning robbery. The staff at the bank exchanged curious looks, they didn’t know what was going on, was this a robbery for real?

As the sounds of sirens grew closer, David and George scrambled out of the bank, towing their absurd hot air balloon behind them. The bickering criminals were soon apprehended by the police, leaving the bumbling robots as the only ones who managed to escape.

Malware Mal, shaking his head, watched in dismay from the bank's entrance, surrounded by flashing lights and the clamour of capture. He had been planning this foolproof robbery for years, but he had been outwitted by his own crew's incompetence.

And there, against all odds, David and George managed to inflate their balloon and rise into the sky. Malware Mal, his anger replaced by incredulous disbelief, could only watch as the hot air balloon ascended, carrying the unlikely duo to freedom.

The sight of the balloon lifting into the sky was so ludicrous that even the police officers couldn't suppress their laughter. Malware Mal furious expression transformed into one of weary resignation as he watched his hapless associates ascend into the sky, their balloon bobbing like a buoy on the sea of irony.

As the balloon floated higher, George turned to David with a grin. "Looks like we really got ourselves into a high-pressure situation, huh?"

David chuckled, his belly lights glowing in amusement. "Yeah, but at least we're rising above it all, unlike Malware Mal who looked very deflated!"

And so, against all expectations, the Dunderhead Duo, David and George, soared through the sky in a patchwork hot air balloon, leaving a befuddled master criminal and a botched heist far below. As they drifted away on their whimsical journey through the sky, their laughter echoed through the clouds, reminding everyone that even in the world of robots, a little silliness could triumph over the most cunning of plans.

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